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True Blue Lizzy
Don't fuck with my family - Lizzy .
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Lizzy was a spitfire spoiled brat but has a heart of gold and will go to bat for anyone...she use to refuse to kill, but time has dulled her old code and a new code rose from the ashes.Many know her as True Blue Lizzy, or her codename Blue. She is now currently a sky pirate.
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Lizzy's Theme Song
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The Past
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Antonio Mercer is a well known wine merchant in Ul'dah. The family brand is in many taverns and bars across Erozea. His wife was an adventurer who went by the name of Quinn. Both of them were into many jobs but, Antonio was usually a red mage and Quin was the one needed for the job. After many years the two settled down in Ul'dah. Antonio took over his father's business and the couple wound up having a baby girl. Quinn had to leave due to some job and the father refused to go. He gave up adventuring and claimed his wife died during the child birth.
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Elizabeth grew up learning from her grandmother on various dances and arts. She deeply loved books and became engulfed in dreams of adventure. Lizabeth was a bleeding heart that the servants of the house would look over. This made Liz get away with almost anything which often made the father mad. He told her she was forbidden to be with others due to who they were and was forbidden from leaving the estate without a proper adult. This threat did not stop her and she suffered many groundings and punishments.Lizbeth learned how to do the family books and logs on the side by her father when she became 12. This also lead to her learning how to sneak out better. When 14, she started to often go shopping at the local shops outside of the Goblet in Ul'dah. She was kind of danger prone so she would get in trouble a lot leaving her guards and servants side. The father when she turned 16 started to try and get her a husband. He spoke of needing grand kids and having an heir to the wine business. Elizabeth did not want any of this but obeyed due to him always downing her and making her feel belittled.
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The Escape
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On her 18th birthday, Elizabeth was given her father's sword and mother's armor. She would know a little about sword play but was given it due to her always wanting her parents old equipment. The father gave up on trying to have his child get married off due to her stubbornness but was happy to see her focus on becoming a merchant now.Lizzy told her dad she is going off to train in business management under a merchant named Fred. Soon she was off in Gridania on her journey which was a horrible and known lie. She started to train as a conjurer under the man she was paying.His name was indeed Frederick...but that is all she knew. He would train her in the basics and charge prices which to many would be considered outragious but Lizbeth didn't see a problem in it.A few days later Liz found a pamphlet from a moogle. It was stating about the adventurer's guild named Lost Echoes. The girl would head off to see what this guild was all about.
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A New Beginning
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Liz found her way to Lost Echoes. She was given a tour by a man with a mysterious past but a flirtatious face to her. Liz tried to lie about who she was and even kept it up for a few days till she broke. This Merc commander named Teklese Kothari would cause Liz to warm up and speak the truth.Liz would begin trying to find her place within the company working at the bar along with few training missions and some real ones from Arcus and Merrik. She sadly after killing once grew a taste of disgust and vowed never to take a life.During this she would meet a woman named Nanre and a woman named Sofiel. The two helped work the Medicus and specialists. This lead to Liz taking on a job as a maid at the house along with training under the Medicus.
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_ _Master Frederick began to teach lizzy about how not only conjuring would be a good way to support but also the ways of the blue. Liz would agree and start trianing as a blue mage along with her usual conjuring classes costing her double her normal rate.
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Lovers of the Red
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Liz and Tek over the weeks would soon became a couple. The girl would find him sleeping behind the company house. Liz put up a stink and got Tek to move into her room in the estate. Since then Tek has begun training her as a Red mage.Clearly Lizzy was getting a taste of a bit too much since she was dabbling in many forms of the Mage but she would soon overwhelm herself.She met many members and had to watch a few be buried over the last month, but she also found her mother from wearing her armor.
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Quin would prove to Liz from several different facts of her past that she was indeed her birth mom and has been secretly asking people to watch over her daughter and train her to defend herself.
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A Rebellious Daughter
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......Elizabeth and Tek grew ever closer during training. They even spent a lot of time in their room training as she slowly became more and more accepting of having to fight to help. Meanwhile she would also start asking a man named Arthur in the guild to help her in training. He aided her in studying a monster in Haku Manor for her blue mage notes......Lizzy after constantly patching up her hurt mother began to tail her everywhere to try and keep her safe. She had lots of medical issues starting to appear and Liz was not about to lose her mom. At one point she even tried to follow in Ishgard which lead to her finding a fenrir cub abandoned in the snow. Lizbeth of course took it in and raised him at the estate calling him Plue.

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No Word from Mom
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......Liz has begun to take drive in Lost Echoes. She is often trying to have gatherings, socializing with anyone who enters, and even packs lunches for those on missions. She will tell people when they get loud and upset to eat cause they sound hungry.
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.....With no word for a month from her mother, Liz would try to track down her only to be stopped and calmed by Zaraki. She would after a few weeks give up on finding her mom and take her old armor and shield to honor her.
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......Tee'la during this time really took care of her it seemed. Whenever she was down he was there being a real father like figure to her no matter the time or the reason._ _
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..........Liz would over exert herself making a memorial with grave stones for all of her new family's fallen lives. She is clinging by strings but is now accepting training from many teachers. Liz now is focused on learning about everything to be able to keep herself and her friends protected. She would keep her mother's armor now with her whenever on a job, mission or task that might put anyone at risk.
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The Morpho Berserkers
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.....Liz was always a drunk and glutton for everything as many would notice over the time she spent at the company. A man named Xeruhne in particular came looking for those of Quin's would find Lizbeth not coping with being without her mom.
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Xeruhne would comfort her for that month till all of a sudden both Nikumi and Quin who were both missing for a month came back in the doors like nothing ever happened. She knew Nikumi was going to be gone a long time but it shook her finding her mother alive and at the bar where she worked.
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.....Liz spoke to her friend Jainus about her new forming squad the Morpho Berserkers and was given an exam to test her white mage skill which has been improving very well in the last months along with a sparing match to prove her strength.
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----Liz would easily pass the treatment using her aether and then spar losing but just by a point as Jainus sat on her while she slid under her showing she was a really skilled dancer as she spoke of during her childhood. She would become the newest member and soon find her friend Typriss joined on as well. They began to work close together.
The Commander
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...........Tek gave lizzy a collar and was called out for another job. Weeks would pass and Tek never returned home. Liz while panicking continued training with the Mercs without Tek under the head Commander Arcus.
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Arcus noticed Lizzy holding back a lot. Lizzy would soon get too excited letting lose and actually won the spar but panicked when hurting her friend Lycelle. Arcus confronted Lizzy making her stay to figure out why she was always apologizing and holding back. Liz told him how she has too much aether and has issues controlling it. He hounded her till he heard what she wanted.
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......Liz broke snapping and starring Arcus down. She refused to apologize anymore for things she believed are right and wanted to become stronger to protect those who can not protect themselves and her family. Arcus has since become her mentor training her to become physically stronger and hopefully a better red mage with control of her aether.

A Long Journey
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..........After not hearing word from where her mother, her boss to the tavern, some friends and her boyfriend, Liz took it upon herself to start a search.......She would stop in at home to her father in the Goblet. She used her home as a hub for the search. She not only made amends with dear old dad but allowed his help in her training. This time she was trained from an actual teacher in Thaumaturgy. During this time she became a merc for hire taking on various bounty missions hoping one would point her in the direction of her family.........Meanwhile back in Ul'dah her fenrir wolf would grow larger and start to have a strange color forming under the fur. Still not strong enough for her to ride but a loyal companion at her side.
Deathly Cinders
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.........A year has past, with no signs of her mother or Tek. Lizzy grew restless and started to take on more dangerous jobs. She soon understood why Zaraki and Tee'la didn't think with emotions in battle. Liz would grow to have a glutton of a personality when on jobs. She made sure to make them suffer if they harmed innocent and she did it slowly.
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A job in Othard was where Zaraki disappeared from what the redhead could figure out. She took a job to head there for a slave trader. Liz would allow her now ridable fenrir Plue along. This lead to a bit of a problem. The man was apart of a group and the team came back to find Lizbeth torturing the man and placing blades in his skin. She quickly would scramble fighting as she was knocked out of the window of the building she was in reaching to grab the side knocking a candle over.
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Liz's eyes widened in horror as she saw the men burning. She heard the cries of her wolf as she trembled to find him walking out of the flames...no blue in sight. His fur was now a molted crimson as if the fire or blood was apart of it. The wolf whimpered as Lizzy wrapped her arms around it's shoulders crying.
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Down the Road
Into the Flames
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..........Lizbeth got a letter stating about Zaraki being alive...and not only that but him getting married. She was surprised and was not sure if it really was true. Liz was even more confused about it being marked from the Azure Flames Cafe down the street.
.....The girl would explore the area pausing a bit as she met a strange Miqo'te named Grizwald. He could not form words other than his name....seemed as if some sort of trama or injury must have affected him. The red head was puzzled, but he showed signs of understanding her and even acted rather flirty. It kind of felt like deja vu to her. Liz would shake her head as she wound up somehow with him at the festival for All Saints Wake.
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Liz would wake up the next day after thinking of the time she spent with the strange man and smirked glancing over to her now red colored fenrir who has not even grown in size since that incident, "What do you think Plue...should I cave and check the place out after the wedding today?"
Set A-Blaze
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..........The Wedding of Zaraki and his beautiful bride Rhaia went off without a hitch. Lizzy not only felt apart and connected to the stranger but a lot of the friends seemed very similar. This is when Liz realized, a lot of her missing family has found a new home on those months and years away hunting for Tek. She shook it off and sat down socializing with her old Morpho comrad in arms Typriss. During this time Lizzy would run into Dal at the wedding who was silent as usual but very stoic and caring.The reception was a blast with food and a gathering in front of the Azure Flames Cafe. Lizzy soon met many new friends and event got to see Tee'la again. All good things have to have bumps and a strange man came onto the grounds. He gave Tee'la and Liz both the chills and Tee'la asked Liz to stay protecting the newlyweds for the night. Liz of course agreed and sat in the treehouse overnight watching.The next day she was in for a surprise, The man never came back, but Lizzy would run into her mom. After a bit of a sparr like usual, Lizzy would listen to reason and cave signing on. She was tired of the bounty business specially after the past few jobs and wanted to be part of a family again.
Love is a
Dangerous Weapon

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..........Lizzy found out from Rhaia that Zaraki went missing on a job and never returned home. Tee'la demanded she stay at home while he went off. A few days would past, Tee'la would arrive home unknown to Liz with no luck, and Rhaia would be the first to see Zaraki wandering into the yard beat to shit. The few there would treat him, and get him to his room to rest while they got ahold of Tee'la. They would share a heartwarming reunion admitting their feelings of being family and wind up hugging. Tee'la soon was visited by some strange woman with golden hair. She took him after saying some words to the group and vanished in thin air.

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..........During the days of the close group getting Typriss and Arthur filled in along with the rest, Lizzy's contacts Yukira and Catori would find her. This was due to her seeking aid in Ishgard while looking for clues on Tee'la. Yukira was one of Lizzy's comrads on jobs since she was afraid to go on them by herself after Othard. Catori on the other hand was her teacher who watches over her. She is training her in various mage jobs and is a researcher........Meanwhile, throughout all of this story, a miqo'te named A'rtyom decided he wanted to start seeing Liz. She went on a couple dates and on their second date at the Whispering Wish he asked her to be his. The two are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend....Lizbeth has clearly begun to move forward with her life leaving her past behind her.

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The Dragon's Keeper
The Monster I have Become

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..........The gang finally had enough info and set out to rescue Tee'la. Liz took a rather harsh turn during it while the others went in as level headed as most could. The spitfire Redhead went ahead flashing her blue mage tricks and spells she gained over the years and loomed over traps. As she ran ahead of the group, Lizzy would stumble into the succubus and wind up sliding onto the floor. Not before she was hit by the beast. She could see the cultist with a crystal near the man she considers her true father due to his caring nature.The others would catch up but soon Drais was down. Liz focused her aether giving away all she had to keep him alive to save Tee'la.She would come to with the succubus gone and Tee'la safe.During their recovering back at the house, It was soon discovered that Liz could not use her aether anymore. No matter how hard she tried. Then her boyfriend had an accident inside the lab. A mammet was stuck in a cannon and A'rtyom decided to try and remove it himself. He wound up having it explode in his face. Though Stabe, he has forgotten three weeks of his memory which include knowing Liz and many at the house.Her constant trying and now talking of monsters more soon wound her up with an aether collar. The Mother insisted on it but the rest had it removed giving her cuffs to restrain her aether instead. Her Teacher Catori and Alice are keeping an eye on her while her bosses, Rhawa, Alice and Aeredi put together the idea that she may have absorbed some of the succubus' aether into her causing this issue.Liz is now lost in what to do but wishes to remove the monster's aether before she loses herself anymore. She is afraid of what she has become.

A Brand New Day
Lizzy after a few weeks, worked with her friend Priss, her aunt Aurelle, Alice, and Rhawa in handling the aether situation. They were able to remove the succubus aether and she has begun being able to use her aether like normal.During this time of recovery, she babysat her new niece Bella and grew very close with Rhawa to the point of staying with him.She has kept her promise, Lizzy has begun to train as a machinist along with becoming more skilled within the engineering department. She even started working on the barracks in the Azure Flames and finished them herself.Meanwhile She has had a bit of caving but she has toned back the drinking, gambling and blowing of things up.
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True Blue Strikes Back
Lizzy had a falling out and fled the Azure Flames. She began to start up bounties again and ran into a viera named Aluette in a tavern. The redhead soon became close and started to call the woman her lucky bunny. She would nag the girl to join her on a bounty which lead to an old acquaintance named Makota. The three warmed up very quickly and soon began to live together as if some old sitcom from the 80s about three people keeping each other company.Meanwhile she got annoyed by all the chaos breaking out in her family. She has begun working to stop a cultist group from taking her friends and family since they have some obsession with her niece Bella, Bella's future fiance Sadao, and little Dede.The greedy drunk has also began using her blue magic and has become more attuned to herself while changing up her look finally after a long time. During this time her squadmate Typriss passed from an illness. Lizzy did not attend the funeral and was often found drinking in front of the memorial at night trying to avoid others noticing her.
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Where's the Rum gone.
Lizzy saw what was happening with the cultists way back in Harmony. She took her niece and kids and fled to Ul'dah. The woman would work off and on with various groups but she keeps mostly to the air as a sky pirate now only seeking to gain wealth and cause vigilante justice.Liz off and on will stop in on her sister Alice but much of her time is keeping an eye on friends from a distance or getting drunk and forgetting she went through all her rum yet again.
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A Maelstrom of a Pirate
Under the command of her niece, Elizabeth Mercer and her crew has become allied as a privateer ship for the Maelstrom. They now considered part of the law but are ignored for the thieving and crimes they do against those who have gone against Eorzea. The contract made this pirate crew legal as long as they did not go against the Eorzean Alliance.The Eorzean Blue Flames is a sub division of the Eorzean Alliance with Bella Dakwhil as the head. She is in charge of four squads of the different parts of the allaince with the Maelstrom being lead by Elizabeth.
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_ _Bella - two of her past friend's daughter. She is Lizzy's niece and was often babysat by the poor girl. Lizzy with her gambling ways often taught and showed Bella the wrong things to do in situations but she never seemed to cover things up. She would tell Bella amazing tales and state to her not to ever try to dabble in the magics Lizzy trains in due to danger.Typriss - an old friend and co-worker in Medicus. Liz and her have been on friendly terms since she was also part of the Morpho Berserkers. Lizzy considers Priss to be her best friend and would do anything for the girl. Sadly after her passing, Lizzy was shattered for a month.Regulus Black-iron - A close friend who often spends time with Lizzy. She soon has begun seeing him again and spending time with his friend Camilla.Kari - A friend and also a pain in the ass to Lizzy. She constantly tries to hold lizzy up to a better standard but she does respect the reasons Lizzy does what she does. Kari has told her numerous times she needs to get a hold of her gambling and greed issues.Threats
---The Ul'dah Cultists
-----------A group of cultists that caused issues around Ul'dah for a long time. Rumors are that they are becoming active again.---The Seven Deadly Sins
---------A pirate crew who use to still from Liz's father's company shipments.The Unknowns - A strange group no one seems to know much of. They had their hands in some of the jobs Lizzy took but nothing has come up for a while now.

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Quotes From Characters -
Here's a lunch you sound hungry - LizDon't worry Lizzie brought Lunches. - SantinaIt is called hors d’oeuvres - Liz
Whore...Derves - TekWelcome to Lost Echoes, My name is Liz and this is my boyfriend Bam Bam - Liz talking to a new recruit while standing next to Tek.If you're not planning to be respectful of each other this evening, GET OFF MY LAND! We're family and now, we need each other. - Karu(May I ever be spared her wrath!) - JulanarDid...that just come out of your body...- Misaki
(Response to Liz using toad oil)
I said I was a blue mage....didn't say it was pretty - LizA job about polishing armor and a sword - Quin's joke job questMEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! - K'keetaI just wen't to her wedding, I didn't really know her - TekThis is your world....do not get distracted - Tek during TrainingHey I'm proud of you....didn't grab onto me once - Arthur during Haku Manor dungeon